Sinai Harbor Overview
All of these locations are, unfortunately, resident-only from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The site is a good approximation for the Connecticut shore in offshore winds. West Meadow Beach best on north and northwest winds in spring and fall.
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Sensor Notes
The WHL sensor is located on the spit of land that encloses Mt. Sinai Harbor. This peninsula runs almost due east-west so northwesterly, northerly, and northeasterly meter readings should be outstanding. Due-west counterclockwise through southeast should also be quite good given the narrowness of the peninsula and the fetch across the harbor.
West Meadow Beach is one of the few beaches with an outstanding westerly fetch. For this reason, you'll find stronger westerly winds at West Meadow than those reported by the Sinai meter. These westerly winds will probably approach the reported gusts. Northwest and southwest winds at West Meadow should be close to those reported by the meter. East of West Meadow, winds get cut off by the Peninsula and West and Northwest winds are best.
Crab Meadow Beach has a great nor'easterly fetch (as does the meter), thus the meter will track the preferred wind direction for Crab Meadow. With its slightly better easterly fetch, Crab Meadow's easterly winds might be a bit stronger than those reported by the Sinai meter. Northwest and west winds are sideshore and offshore at Crab Meadow so expect less favorable conditions than those reported by the Sinai meter.