Point Potrero Reach Overview
Sensor not installed at a windsurf / kitesurf location. Instead, this data comes from an off-shore navigational aide located at channel marker 8 just west approx 3/4 mi. from Brickyard Cove marina and is intended to provide surface wind data for sailors in the Olympic Circle area.
There is a launch point at the Barbara and Jay Vincent Park. Popular with some as South facing for winter storms and usually SW when Crissy & TI are fogged in. Overall better for kiters rather than windsurfers primarily because of the launch and the wind shadow from Brooks Island. The Island breaks the fetch and so makes for very flat conditions. Kiters tend to launch from a small mostly sandy beach inside the harbor breakwater. Windsurfers tend to launch from a very narrow rocky beach directly into the bay at the South end of the parking lot. There is an extensive rocky seawall all the way to Shimada Friendship Park so really no good other launch point. Best to arrive early for winter storms as the wind tends to start somewhat South by South East and then slowly clocks South pretty much directly onshore.
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