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False Equivalencies
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

techno900 wrote:
Time to call the guys in the white jackets.

about time you realized that you and trump are sickos.... did you also rape 13 year old children? are you also a sexual preditor entitled pussy grabber or do you just support enable it/him.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uh-oh techno, you said "white" tisk-tisk. LOL!

Back to false equivalencies~
How much more out of hand can this become?
Junipero Serra Statue Vandalized In Mission Hills
August 17, 2017 10:21 PM
What's next, the statue of Walt Disney because he drew Mickey Mouse as a black mouse?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Desperate for a false equivalency. Here is a first hand account from a peaceful protestor:


What I Saw in Charlottesville
Here are some initial reflections based on my experience – on the white supremacists and their message, on the clergy and faith community, on the other anti-racism protestors, on the police, and on next steps.

On the White Supremacists, Neo-nazis, and their allies: First, I was impressed by their organization. They showed up in organized caravans of rented white vans, pick-up trucks, and other vehicles, and then quickly lined up with flags and started marching. I don’t know what app they were using, but it worked. (After the state of emergency was declared, the organization seemed less effective, with more confusion and milling around.) Second, they were young. The majority, it seemed to me, were in their twenties and thirties, mostly men, but a few women. I was told by one protestor that many of the older leaders were retired military.

Many came dressed in white shirts and khaki pants, reminding me of office workers or WalMart employees. Many wore helmets and carried hand-made shields. They looked like they came expecting to fight, threaten, and intimidate. Some came in paramilitary garb, heavily armed. They carried an assortment of flags – mostly confederate, many representing their respective organizations, with a surprising number of Nazi flags. I’m 61, and before this weekend, I’ve never seen a single Nazi flag carried proudly in the United States. This weekend I saw many.

As has been widely reported, their chants included “You will not replace us,” “Jews will not replace us,” “White lives matter,” and the like. Their use of torches Fridaynight and slogans like “blood and soil” were clearly intended to evoke the KKK and Naziism. There was a good bit of “hail Trump” chanting with Nazi gestures.

Before and after the event, I have been checking a number of white supremacist websites and Facebook pages related to Unite the Right leaders and identified participants (a deeply disturbing experience) . The unabashed racism, the seething hatred, the chest-thumping hubris, the anti-Semitism, the misogyny, the shameless desire to harm their opponents, the gushing love for Trump, Putin, and Stalin, of all people … they speak for themselves. I was struck by how often the term “balls” comes up in their posts: these seem like insecure young men who are especially eager to prove their manhood, recalling election season bragging about “hand size.”

Speaking of size, I haven’t been able to find any estimate on crowd size. I would guess around a thousand white supremacists, and I would guess that the total number of anti-racism/anti-facism protesters was equal or greater.

On the clergy and faith community response: I have participated in many protests and demonstrations over the years, but I have not seen the faith community come together in such a powerful and beautiful way as they did in Charlottesville. Brittany Caine-Conley and Seth Wispelwey deserve a lot of credit, as do the Congregate C-ville team they coordinated. I hesitate to name groups represented, as I will forget someone – so please forgive me in advance. But I met UCC, Episcopal, Methodist, Unitarian, Lutheran, Baptist (Alliance), Anglican, Presbyterian, and Jewish faith leaders, and the Quakers were out in large numbers, wearing bright yellow t-shirts. I met Catholic lay people, but I didn’t meet or see any Catholic priests. Two Episcopal bishops were present, and they had encouraged priests of their diocese to be involved. Along with those of us who participated in an organized way, it was clear that many ad-hoc groups of Christians and others came to protest, some with signs, some giving out water and snacks to anti-racist protestors.

Black, white, Latino, and Asian clergy worked and stood side by side; Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and others marched, prayed, and sang as allies.

The courage of the clergy present inspired me. In public gatherings and in private conversations before Saturday, participating clergy were warned that there was a high possibility of suffering bodily harm. A group of clergy (pictured below) walked arm-in-arm into the very center of the storm, so to speak, delaying entry to the park as they stood, sang, and kneeled. (Lisa Sharon Harper shares her reflections here.) This symbolic act took a great deal of courage, and many who did so were spat on, subjected to slurs and insults, and exposed to tear gas. I hold them in the highest regard.

Other clergy and faith leaders (I was among this group) marched to a park, participated in a rally, and then dispersed to several locations, including a Methodist church a block from Emancipation Park, where we helped medics, sang and held signs as a message to white supremacist and Nazi marchers, and provided water and other support to anti-racism protesters.

When the rally was disbanded by the police, many of us responded to reports of skirmishes and sought to de-escalate tensions. When the white supremacist terrorist driver ran into anti-racism protestors, many of us were nearby, and we ran together to the scene where we ministered to the injured and supported their loved ones. Many of us helped at the parks that were designated as “safe spaces” for anti-racism protestors, and we provided pastoral care – asking people if they were OK, listening to their stories, assisting them with finding medics, and offering them encouragement. At least a dozen times, protestors said to me, “Thanks so much to you clergy for being here.” Our presence meant something to them.

I come from a tradition that doesn’t normally use vestments, but I was glad that clergy garb made faith leaders visible in this circumstance.

On the other Anti-Racism Protestors: Along with Congregate C’ville, there were other groups protesting the message of white supremacy and Naziism. I was deeply impressed with the Black Lives Matter participants. They went into the middle of the fray and stood strong and resilient against vicious attacks, insults, spitting, pepper spray, tear gas, and hurled objects. It’s deeply disgusting to see BLM be vilified on Fox News and other conservative outlets after watching them comport themselves with courage in the face of vile hatred this weekend.

There were several anti-fascism groups whose exact affiliations were not easy to ascertain. I was moved by one young woman from one of these groups at the scene of the killing. She stood on a milk crate and shouted (this is a paraphrase): “People, this is hard. This is heartbreaking – to see our neighbors lying in the street, severely injured. But we must realize what’s at stake when Nazis and white supremacists want to take control of our country. We must not be intimidated, but be more committed than ever to stand against them.” There was no call to violence or revenge; only a call to resilient resistance.

I was also deeply impressed by UVA students I met. The group of young men and women that stood up to the torch-carrying marchers on Friday night had amazing courage. Their fellow students, their parents, and all of us, should be proud of these young leaders.

Not all of the groups shared a commitment to nonviolent resistance in the tradition of Dr. King. I saw a few groups of protestors who, like the Nazis and white supremacists, came with hand-made shields and helmets, and I heard reports that some of these groups used pepper spray on the white supremacists, who were also using pepper spray, sticks, and fists on them.

On the Police: Considering the number of guns present, it is amazing that no shots were fired, and the various police forces gathered deserve a great deal of credit for this. The local and state police had a huge challenge on their hands, and their task was very difficult. In my fields of observation, they did not seem present to intervene quickly when skirmishes broke out. They seemed to stay back in the background. Perhaps this was intentional and strategic for reasons I don’t understand. Be that as it may, I couldn’t help but think about the contrast between the hands-off way heavily armed white supremacists were treated by police in Charlotte and how unarmed African Americans in other demonstrations have been beaten and arrested around the country over the years … or how unarmed Native Americans were treated at Black Rock a few months ago. That contrast is haunting, itself an expression of white privilege.

On Next Steps: The young age of many of the white supremacists and Nazis suggests two things to me: first, that young white people are being radicalized in America today, radicalized to the point of using the ISIS tactic of killing people with a car; and second, that this problem isn’t going away fast – especially if radicalizing influences continue or increase their activities among younger generations.

What does this mean?

First, it means that white mothers, fathers, grandparents, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, children, and pastors need to speak up when their loved ones are being radicalized. Every white American family needs to realize that radicalization isn’t simply something that happens in the Middle East – it is happening today, in Ohio and Kentucky and Florida and Virginia. And make no mistake, these are radical groups, seeking to unite and fight together.

In addition, clergy around the country must prepare now for when an event like this comes to their area – which may be sooner than they think. (I understand that Richmond has already been targeted for another such rally in a few months.) Just as male mammals seek to “mark territory,” these human groups seem determined to maintain their markers of white supremacy – namely, statues and flags associated with the era and culture of slavery. Their oddly ambiguous slogan “You will not replace us” seems to mean, “You will not replace our white supremacy.”

All of us, especially people of faith, need to proclaim that white supremacy and white privilege and all other forms of racism and injustice must indeed be replaced with something better – the beloved community where all are welcome, all are safe, and all are free. White supremacist and Nazi dreams of apartheid must be replaced with a better dream – people of all tribes, races, creeds, and nations learning to live in peace, mutual respect, and neighborliness. Such a better world is possible, but only if we set our hearts on realizing the possibility.

We Christians, in particular, need to face the degree to which white Christianity has failed – grievously, tragically, unarguably failed – to teach its white adherents to love their non-white neighbors as themselves. Congregations of all denominations need to make this an urgent priority – to acknowledge the degree to which white American Christianity has been a chaplaincy to white supremacy for centuries, and in that way, has betrayed the gospel.

Our Christian leaders need to face the deep roots of white Christian supremacy that go back to 1452 and the Doctrine of Discovery, and before that, to the tragic deals made by 4th Century Bishops with Emperor Constantine, and before that, to the rise of Christian antisemitism mere decades after Jesus. This tense season of our history needs to be, quite literally, a come-to-Jesus moment for Christianity in America.

Along with this theological and spiritual work, we have very urgent practical work to do, including 1) pre-empting the continuing development of white supremacist, Nazi, and fascist groups through preventative measures, 2) building relationships among groups that oppose racism and Naziism – both religious and secular, 3) improving planning and coordinating among these groups, and 4) addressing the ways that white supremacists and Nazis are seeking to use us as foils to win over conservative people through fear and division (which is the strategy behind Unite the Right). What is needed in all these areas (and more) will be the subject of many conversations in the coming hours, days, and weeks.

Brian D. McLaren is an author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. He is the author of The Great Spiritual Migration and an Auburn Senior Fellow.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks mac! We do indeed have a lot of hard work ahead and cannot afford to stand by idly.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the ultimate false equivalency ... and not appreciated and trump claims the mother is with him.... well not after she heard his false equivalency...

trump about the gal who was murdered by one of his emboldened by him storm troopers...

Reporter: Have you talked to him directly yet?

Bro: I have not, and now I will not. At first I just missed his calls. The first call came, it looks like, during the funeral. I didn’t even see that message. There were three more frantic messages from press secretaries throughout the day and I didn’t know why, that would have been on Wednesday. … I hadn’t really watched the news until last night. And I’m not talking to the president. Not now. I’m sorry, not after what he said about my child. It’s not that I saw somebody else’s tweets about him. I saw an actual clip of him at a press conference equating the protestors ‘like Ms. Heyer,’ with the KKK and the white supremacists.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

'They wear the cap': Ex-GOP congressman rips members who are silent on KKK

A former Republican congressman says current members who have chosen to stay silent in the wake of President Trump’s failure to clearly and unequivocally condemn white supremacists for the violence in Charlottesville, Va., last week are silently endorsing a racist view.

“I know a lot of those members of Congress, and they don’t think like that,” former Rep. J.C. Watts, R-Okla., said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “They don’t think the way the white supremacists or the KKK think. However, if they are silent, they wear the cap. Intentionally or unintentionally, they wear the cap, saying, ‘We agree with that.’”

“There’s no moral equivalency between racists & Americans standing up to defy hate & bigotry,” McCain wrote on Twitter. “The President of the United States should say so.”

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

she nails him in his so called knowledge of the military, you know he knows better than the generals. and he did get how many deferments because of "periods"

Trump Cabinet member's daughter tells "never-served piece of sh!t" Trump to STFU

By BruinKid
Saturday Aug 26, 2017 · 5:50 PM MDT

Oh my, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s daughter recently ripped Trump a new one over his transgender military ban.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's daughter Jennifer Detlefsen, who is a Navy veteran, sharply criticized the proposal, calling the president a "disgrace," the Billings Gazette reported Friday. ….

“This man is a disgrace. I've tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable,” read her post on July 26, which still appeared online on Saturday.

"This veteran says sit down and shut the f--k up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of s--t," she added.
From The Missoulian, more on her Navy background:

Detlefsen served in the Navy as a Deep Sea Diving Medical Technician and later as a High Risk Instructor of an explosive ordnance disposal training unit. She had worked at Special Operations for America, a military-focused super political action committee founded by Zinke, doing digital consulting and social media work, according to filings with the Federal Elections Commission.

Detlefsen now is a Virginia-based glass artist “bound by themes of masculine/feminine dichotomy, double standards, motherhood, and literature’s impact on gender roles.”
Here is the Instagram post, which is still up. Her full unedited quote:

This man is a disgrace. I've tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf
For those who don’t know, #ITMFA stands for “Impeach the Motherfucker Already”.

She also responded to a Trump supporter attacking her on her Instagram post:

You served. So did I. You have your opinion. So do I. I am disgusted that a Commander In Chief would so callously disregard the service and sacrifice of the thousands of transgender soldiers, sailors and airmen already putting their lives on the line for our county. And you can take your machismo posturing elsewhere. I'm not afraid of you or your threats.
Thanksgiving may be a bit awkward at the Zinke household this year.

You can also sign the Daily Kos petition denouncing Trump for the transgender military ban.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think we can call the whole thing the right wing wants to lynch blacks for not standing at full attention during the national anthem a false equivalancy.

Again Hitler did the same, if you even questioned the homeland you lost your job too. China does this. Putin does this. as basically all authoritarian leaders do. Now this part is not a false equivalancy.

But saying a person is not American because he is opposing oppression of a race well that is a false equivlancy.

Trump is talking to his base of Neo Nazis Nazis, skin heads, racists. That the Black man must do as he says or the slave master will fire him degrade him in public specticles. That the black man must not question his white master trump.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow the girl flipping off trump does not have free speech in the right wing world of political correctness and gets fired for it while not working.

But a senior manager/director of the company insults and is obscene to a black lives matter issue and he uses his position publicly and he is high fived at a government contractor.

Virginia woman was fired from her job after she was photographed flipping off Trump's motorcade

Well, this stinks. Juli Briskman, the shero who flipped off Trump’s motorcade as they sped past her during a weekend bike ride is suddenly out of work. Her employer, government contractor Akima LLC claimed the photo crossed the companies loosely defined obscenity rule. From the Huffington Post:

“They said, ‘We’re separating from you,‘” said Briskman. “Basically, you cannot have ‘lewd’ or ‘obscene’ things in your social media. So they were calling flipping him off ‘obscene.’”
Briskman, who worked in marketing and communications at Akima for just over six months, said she emphasized to the executives that she wasn’t on the job when the incident happened and that her social media pages don’t mention her employer. They told her that because Akima was a government contractor, the photo could hurt their business, she said.
Briskman reacted as many of us would while seeing Trump on his way back from yet another round of golf:

“He was passing by and my blood just started to boil,” she said. “I’m thinking, DACA recipients are getting kicked out. He pulled ads for open enrollment in Obamacare. Only one-third of Puerto Rico has power. I’m thinking, he’s at the damn golf course again.”
She was in charge of her company’s social media accounts. Briskman is perplexed about the reasons behind her firing. She wasn’t wearing company apparel and was never linked to the company, especially since a male employee was not fired after offensive comments.

From the Washington Post:

As she was monitoring Facebook this summer, she found a public comment by a senior director at the company on an otherwise civil discussion by one of his employees about Black Lives Matter.

“You’re a f****ing Libtard a**hole,” the director injected, using his profile that clearly and repeatedly identifies himself as an employee.

In fact, the person he aimed that comment at was so offended by the intrusion into the conversation and the coarse nature of it — he challenged him on representing his company that way.
That man was not fired, he merely had to delete the comments and stayed with the company.

Briskman said she wants to work for an advocacy organization, so if you are in Virginia or the D.C. area and have a marketing and communications gig available, give her a call!

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think we have right wing hypocracy that falls under this too. You look at the crimes of right wing political and contributors to the right wing it is virtually always unreal differences. even the right wing preachers... Examples.

Tim McVeigh and his co-conspiritors and he is a hero to this day to many on the right.

Rev Jim Jones and his sheep followers

Right wing speaker of the house longest serving Denny Hastert

Right wing serial murderer Ted Bundy,

Abromoff a caught with was it 70 million...

Defence contractors that are caught with billions in fraud. Caught time and time again.

Branch Dividian serial pedophile David Koresh hero to the right.

Ted Arthur Haggard
(born June 27, 1956) is an American evangelical pastor. Known as Pastor Ted to the congregation he served, he is the founder and former pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado; a founder of the Association of Life-Giving Churches; and was leader of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) from 2003 until November 2006.

In November 2006, male prostitute and masseur Mike Jones alleged that Haggard had paid him for sex for three years and had also purchased and used crystal methamphetamine.[1] Haggard denied having sexual intercourse with Jones, but admitted purchasing crystal methamphetamine, claiming he did not use the drug. A few days later Haggard resigned from all of his leadership positions. Grant Haas, who formerly attended New Life Church, has said that then-pastor Ted Haggard masturbated in front of him in a hotel room in 2006 and sent him explicit text messages.[2]

Jimmy Lee Swaggart
(born March 15, 1935) is an American Pentecostal evangelist, Christian music singer, pianist, pastor, and author.

Swaggart's TV ministry, which began in 1971, has a viewing audience both in the U.S. and internationally. The weekly Jimmy Swaggart Telecast and A Study in the Word programs are broadcast throughout the U.S. and on 78 channels in 104 other countries, and over the Internet.[1] At its height in the 1980s, his telecast was transmitted to over 3,000 stations and cable systems each week.[2] He currently owns and operates the SonLife Broadcasting Network.

Sexual scandals with prostitutes in the late 1980s and early 1990s led the Assemblies of God to defrock him. As a result of the scandals, Swaggart temporarily stepped down as the head of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries.[3]

Jessica Hahn -
Jessica Hahn (born July 7, 1959) is an American model and actress. She accused televangelist Jim Bakker of rape while she was employed as a church secretary. She

Arnald gropernegar , accused during his running for gov by was it about 7-10 females that the right did not care. and he is not even being brought into the conversation today where Franken is.

Here is another place of sure false equivalences, the right wing on right to life, here are children in the world that are born with defects why aren't the right to lifers going out and adopting them. Zika infants in Brazil wrestle to sit down, see, hear or speak
Kaplan Herald
As babies born with Zika reach the toddler stage, they are continuing to show significant physical and developmental delays, according to the CDC's latest report. The virus caused birth defects, including microcephaly – a condition causing abnormally small and misshapen heads – for the babies of ...

Again if a right winger believes life begins the first division of an egg, they themselves are by their definition serial murderers as a whole, I do not see them calling themselves baby killers or turning themselves in for murder, or even giving their fertilized eggs proper church burials, or spending everything they have to save that egg from dying. again a false equivalency by them.

again the bar was set by the right to go after Jimmy Carter, right-wingers appointed a independent counsel to investigate Carter because they claimed using the presidency he was enriching himself because his peanut farm that Carter made himself was selling peanuts for to high a price. Even though Carter released his taxes and put the farm in a blind trust.

Clinton had two right-wing independent counsels that were ultra-partisan, Kenny boy Star even gave Paula free legal advice years before he became the independent counsel. kenny star was being paid over a million a year only once he became independent counsel by the tobacco industry. after about 3 years of these payments, he was found out and he said he would stop taking the money. He did no work for that money.

The judge in the Paula jones case was a former disgruntled student of Clintons because she did not get an A protested. She later worked on any campaign against Clinton. And she found no conflict of interest in being the judge.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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