Lake Quannapowitt Overview

The most popular launch site is from the Comverse building at the north end of the lake. The parking lot on the east side of the building can be used at no fee (just don't block the road), and there is a large grassy rigging area. Another popular launch is off the "wall" right next to the road on the middle of the east side of the lake. Conditions are typically gusty, particularly in a northwest wind.
Popular after-work spot. Freeskate and iceboat Mecca in winter.
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Maps & Directions
For the Comverse launch, take Exit 39 (North Avenue) from Route 128/I-95, south towards lake. A quick left onto Quannapowitt parkway and pass both office buildings, swinging behind the Comverse building.
For the "Wall," take the Rte. 129 exit south from Route 128/I-95 and follow the road around the lake. Look for a small (very) grassy area with a park bench about halfway down the lake.
Sensor Notes
The sensor is located at the southern tip of the lake, just across from the baseball diamonds. Because small lakes are exceptionally gusty, where you sail on the lake makes a tremendous difference in wind quality. The reported lull and average wind speeds are rarely meaningful at Quannapowitt because you can always move around the lake and find something better. Thus, most WHL members just look at the reported gusts. If you receive the "trend information" (hourly averages) in your voice report, any non-zero average for the lake is most encouraging. Unlike other WHL sites, it might take a few trips to the lake before you have a feel for how reports translate to actuals, but once dialed in you'll be all set.