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trump wants hate to prevail in america. Elevates lawlessness
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another week, another spate of far-right terrorism: It's looking like a long summer ahead

Tuesday June 18, 2019 · 4:00 PM MPDT
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Brian Clyde's self-portrait on Facebook, where he was fond of posting neo-Nazi memes and ideas.

Summer is officially still just around the corner, but if just the current week is anything to judge by, it’s going to be a long, hot season for domestic terrorists.

On Monday morning, a 22-year-old man who promoted neo-Confederate and fascist ideologies on his Facebook page attacked the Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas with a semi-automatic rifle and multiple rounds of ammunition, spraying the building wildly with bullets before law enforcement officers shot and killed him.

According to The Daily Beast, Brian Clyde filled his Facebook page with posts touting a white revolution in which “Libertarians and NatSocs” (National Socialists, also known as neo-Nazis) joined forces “during the Boogaloo” (far-right lingo referring to a hoped-for civil war based on race). He also posted multiple memes referencing the Confederate flag, as well as photos of himself holding guns.

Clyde had uploaded a video to Facebook the week before threatening to commit an act with a gun, with a likely reference to QAnon conspiracy theorists’ belief that “the Storm” of civil unrest is at hand. “I don’t know how much longer I have, but a storm is coming. However, I’m not without defense,” he said in the short clip, brandishing a rifle. “I’m fuckin’ ready. Let’s do it.”

According to media reports, Clyde walked toward the federal building and courthouse wearing a black ski mask and body armor, and opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle from the parking lot on people gathered on its steps and walking their dogs nearby. None were hit, but he kept firing at the building. He was confronted and shot by police officers responding to the scene shortly afterward.

Clyde’s attack, however, was just one of three incidents in the past few days involving yet another young white man radicalized online and planning to embark on a terrorist rampage.

In Concord, California, a 23-year-old man named Ross Anthony Farca was arrested on June 10 and charged with plotting a Poway-style terrorist attack on a local synagogue. According to authorities, his plan was to wear a Nazi uniform while committing the murders. In his home, investigators found books about Adolf Hitler and Nazi life, along with a semi-automatic rifle, 13 magazines, multiple rounds of ammunition, and a three-foot sword.

Meanwhile, in Greene County, Virginia, a 56-year-old Fredericksville man named Philip Dabney was also arrested on Monday, June 17, charged with planning a terrorist act. The details of Dabney’s case remain vague, but early media reports indicate that his Twitter account featured posts attacking Israel’s prime minister.

Though Dabney’s case may eventually not fit it, the larger pattern here is one we have already seen building for some time: “red-pilled” white men, radicalized online, acting on their twisted belief system with extraordinary terroristic violence, each act inspiring the next. The FBI wasn’t kidding when it warned last month that it was seeing an unusual uptick in far-right domestic terrorism.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

House Dems Call For Increased Security After 'Send Her Back' Chants At Trump Rally
HuffPost Hayley Miller,HuffPost•July 18, 2019
Democrats are calling for increased security for members of Congress after the crowd at President Donald Trump’s rally Wednesday erupted in racist “send her back” chants targeting Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who immigrated to the U.S. from Somalia when she was 8 years old.

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who has called for Trump to be impeached over his racist comments, announced on the House floor Thursday that he plans to introduce legislation to provide more security resources for House members. Though members of House leadership have their own security details, the vast majority of representatives do not.

“Hate is on the rise in this country,” Green said. “These are dangerous times. Every member of this House needs additional security.”

Coverage of Trump’s rally in Greenville, North Carolina, on Wednesday sent shockwaves across the country as attendees chanted “send her back!” after the president ripped into Omar and falsely accused her of being anti-Semitic.

“I am not easily shocked. But we are facing an emergency,” tweeted Jason Stanley, a Yale University philosophy professor and author of the book “How Fascism Works.” “This is the face of evil.”

Trump on Thursday tried to distance himself from the chant, claiming he “was not happy” with it and saying that he tried to stop it (a lie). Instead, the president let the crowd shout the racist phrase for 13 seconds before continuing to speak. He never directed rallygoers to stop nor did he denounce the chant.

The chant was, in fact, inspired by his racist tirade on Sunday against Omar and the three other Democratic congresswomen ― Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) ― collectively known as “the Squad.”

right-wingers are so deplorable, look at the ones in the forum of border agents. .. the right-wingers on this board probably love what they were doing. where is the president demanding such outrageous behavior be stopped and he will not stop till all are behind bars. What a pussy we have for illegitimate president.

why don't you right-wing haters and rape lovers leave this forum and go where there are people just like you...

AOC to DHS chief: Border agents shared 'images of my violent rape' in secret Facebook group

WASHINGTON – After a week fielding racist attacks from President Donald Trump, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez questioned Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan about the whereabouts of Border Patrol agents who threatened her in a secret Facebook group.

The intense and personal line of questioning Thursday happened as McAleenan appeared before the House Oversight and Reform Committee to testify about his role in separating migrant children from their families and worsening conditions at the migrant detention centers along the southern U.S. border.

He was also asked several times about a secret Facebook group of current and former Border Patrol agents that contained more than 10,000 members and included posts mocking migrants and the deaths of children in custody and suggesting harm to Democratic lawmakers. After the group's existence was revealed by a ProPublica report, McAleenan announced DHS was investigating the "disturbing" and "inexcusable" posts.

"Did you see the posts planning physical harm to myself and Congresswoman Escobar?" Ocasio-Cortez asked McAleenan. "Yes," he answered. "And I directed an investigation within reading the article."

"Did you see the images of officers circulating photoshop images of my violent rape?" Ocasio-Cortez continued. "Yes I did," McAleenan responded.

'A kennel for dogs': Lawmakers hammer acting DHS chief Kevin McAleenan over migrant detention facilities

McAleenan did not specifically say whether those Border Patrol agents were still on the job after Ocasio-Cortez questioned whether they were still "responsible for the safety of migrant women and children."

He said several agents have been put on administrative duties while the investigation continues, saying "I don't know which ones correspond to which posts and we've ordered cease and desist orders to dozens of more."

McAleenan shot back after Ocasio-Cortez asked about whether the separating of children and families led to a "dehumanizing culture" within Customs and Border Protection. "We do not have a dehumanizing culture at CBP," he said touting that the agency, "rescues 4,000 people a year" and is "committed to the well-being of everyone that they interact with."

He said the posts were "unacceptable" but "I don't think it's fair to apply them to the entire organization or that even the members of that group believed or supported those posts."

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 10:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

note all trump did was complain about america before he became the ill-legitimate president.
when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

By Michael Scherer ,
Josh Dawsey ,
Ashley Parker and
Seung Min Kim July 21 at 10:10 AM
President Trump’s own top aides didn’t think he fully understood what he had done last Sunday, when he fired off a trio of racist tweets before a trip to his golf course.

After he returned to the White House, senior adviser Kellyanne Conway felt compelled to tell him why the missives were leading newscasts around the country, upsetting allies and enraging opponents. Calling on four minority congresswomen — all citizens, three born in the United States ­­— to “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came” had hit a painful historical nerve.

Trump defended himself. He had been watching “Fox & Friends” after waking up. He wanted to elevate the congresswomen, as he had previously discussed with aides. The Democratic lawmakers — Reps. Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) — were good foils, he had told his advisers, including campaign manager Brad Parscale. The president said he thought he was interjecting himself into Democratic Party politics in a good way.

Trump on minority congresswomen: 'If they don't like it here, they can leave'
President Trump defended on July 15 a tweet were he said four liberal congresswomen of color should “go back” to their home countries. (Reuters)
As is often the case, Trump acted alone — impulsively following his gut to the dark side of American politics, and now the country would have to pick up the pieces. The day before, on the golf course, he hadn’t brought it up. Over the coming days, dozens of friends, advisers and political allies would work behind the scenes to try to fix the mess without any public admission of error because that was not the Trump way.

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) arrives at the White House on July 13 after golfing with the president. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)
“He realized that part of it was not playing well,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), a Trump confidant, who golfed Saturday with the president and spoke to him about it on Monday. “Well, he always doubles down. Then he adjusts.”

Like others, Graham urged Trump to reframe away from the racist notion at the core of the tweets — that only European immigrants or their descendants are entitled to criticize the country. Advisers wrote new talking points and handed him reams of opposition research on the four congresswomen. Pivot to patriotism. Focus on their ideas and behavior, not identity. Some would still see a racist agenda, the argument went, but at least it would not be so explicit.


“The goal is to push back against them and make it not about you,” Graham said.

The damage control did not save elected Republicans from their chronic struggle to navigate Trump’s excesses. Democrats were demanding a reckoning, a vote on the floor of the House condemning his racist remarks that would showcase their own unity and moral vision. The White House would mobilize an intense whip operation, putting Trump repeatedly on the phone, to keep his members in line.

Then, just as many felt the firestorm was coming under control, Trump’s own supporters would set it ablaze again, with a “Send her back!” chant at a Wednesday night rally in Greenville, N.C., inspired by the president’s own words.

This account of Trump’s tweets and their aftermath is based on interviews with 26 White House aides, advisers, lawmakers and others involved in the response — most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to share behind-the-scenes details.

‘Send her back!’: Crowd at Trump rally chants about Rep. Omar
The crowd at President Trump's rally in Greenville, N.C., on July 17 chanted "Send her back!" as Trump spoke about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). (The Washington Post)
On Sunday morning, Trump tweeted that the “Washington Post story, about my speech in North Carolina and tweet, with its phony sources who do not exist, is Fake News.”

The political crisis was both familiar and extraordinary — engulfing every aspect of American politics, from the presidential campaign to the White House to Capitol Hill. Many in both parties, well acquainted with Trump’s history of racially charged rhetoric, were stunned at how far he had gone this time. Republicans were fearful of the potential damage but reluctant to confront or contradict Trump. The White House and the Trump campaign sought to contain the furor without alienating key supporters. Democrats finally unified after a week of squabbling to roundly condemn the president.

And at key moments, there were attempts to pretend it hadn’t happened at all. When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) talked to Trump early in the week about ongoing budget negotiations, the tweets never even came up, according to two people familiar with the communication.

In the end, Trump succeeded in at least one respect. Just a few days earlier, he had publicly pined for the days when he could put out a tweet that took off “like a rocket.” Now he had done it again. Americans had to choose sides, and he had drawn the dividing line.

'Making America white again'
When Trump woke up to tweet on July 14, the nation’s leadership was scattered, its attention focused elsewhere.

Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney was out of state. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had flown back home to San Francisco. The leaders of the House Republican Caucus, Reps. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and Steve Scalise (La.), were at a fundraising retreat at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Pennsylvania.

Of the group, only Pelosi, who sleeps just a handful of hours most nights, acted quickly. Trump’s tweets landed about 4:30 a.m. on the West Coast. Within three hours, just as Trump was arriving at his Virginia golf club, she had condemned his words on Twitter, calling out the racial tone directly, saying Trump’s “plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again.”

Trump’s eruption gave her a chance to move beyond an irritating, and increasingly personal, split with the four congresswomen. They had been furious when Pelosi and the rest of the House Democratic Caucus declined to follow their guidance on a recent immigration funding vote. Now they were united.

From left, Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) respond Monday to racist remarks directed at them by the president. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
At a joint news conference by the four lawmakers late Monday, Omar said Trump’s tweets represented “the agenda of white nationalists.”

Democratic candidates for president reacted quickly with outrage and offered support for the embattled House lawmakers.

Sen. Kamala D. Harris (Calif.), the child of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, told her campaign staff that she had been targeted by the same “go home” attack. In an emotional response at an Iowa event Tuesday, Harris said Trump had “defiled” his office and “it has to stop.”

“I am going to tell you what my mother told me: ‘Don’t you ever let anyone tell you who you are. You tell them who you are. Period,’ ” Harris said, growing visibly angry as she spoke. “We are Americans, and we will speak with the authority of that voice.”

'I know racism when I see it': House Democrats condemn Trump’s racist tweet
The House voted on July 16 to condemn President Trump’s racist tweets that urged four minority congresswomen to “go back" to their ancestral countries. (Blair Guild/The Washington Post)
Trump’s own campaign, by contrast, was caught off guard by the tweets and didn’t know initially how to respond. Top aides had been bragging about their ability to fundraise and capitalize on social media advertising when the president blew up the news cycle. But they placed no Facebook ads to ride this wave. The Republican National Committee was silent for more than a day. No one wanted to touch it, advisers said.

“People have been through so many of these with him,” said one Republican involved in the fight.

Cliff Sims, a former West Wing aide to Trump, explained the mentality that still governs the building. “The people who thrive and survive over the long term are the ones who are okay with going where the president leads,” he said.

But as the workweek began, it became clear that the uproar could not be ignored. A person involved in the president’s fundraising effort said many donors were dismayed by the comments — but that there was scant desire to back away from the president publicly.

“You put your head up, and you get it cut off,” this person said. “And then everyone remembers you weren’t loyal when this blows over.”

President Trump holds up a paper with tweets about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) during a Cabinet meeting Tuesday at the White House. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
Many Republican lawmakers demurred or tried to find a middle ground, avoiding direct criticism of Trump while nonetheless expressing face-saving dissatisfaction. “We should focus on ways to bring people together,” said Sen. Cory Gardner, who faces a tough reelection race next year in Colorado.

[The complete list of GOP lawmakers reacting to Trump’s ‘go back’ tweet]

Inside the weekly Republican lunch on Tuesday, GOP leaders tried to avoid direct references to Trump’s racist comments. McConnell repeated a phrase famously uttered by the late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, a figure he reveres: “I attack ideas. I don’t attack people.”

“There is no room in America for racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and hate,” Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.) said in response to Trump’s tweets. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
One effusive Trump ally, Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.), spoke up in defense of Trump inside the lunch, ticking off a litany of conservative grievances against the left, such as their attacks against immigration enforcement and comments perceived as anti-Semitic.

“Let’s not lose sight of, frankly, the radical views that are coming out of the House,” Daines said in an interview, describing his message to the other Republican senators.

Still, other GOP senators were uneasy. At a minimum, it was “dumb politics,” said one senior GOP senator, speaking on the condition of anonymity to be candid about the president’s tweet.

Two of the harshest Republican pushbacks came, tellingly, from the only two elected black Republicans serving in Congress. Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) called the tweets “racially offensive.”

“There is no room in America for racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and hate,” said Rep. Will Hurd (Tex.).

'Stay there and fight'
By midday Monday, the Republican battle to minimize the damage was unfolding on two fronts. The first was an effort to get Trump to shift his message, without admitting a mistake. The goal, said one senior White House aide, was to “get the message back to a place where we could defend the president.”

The idea was to argue that the four congresswomen hated America and were welcome to leave for that reason. There were other lines of attack as well. Omar had been condemned earlier in the year for comments criticizing support for Israel that many Democrats considered anti-Semitic. Pressley had seemed to suggest a racial litmus test for politics, saying Democrats don’t need “any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

Privately, allies of the president said there was advantage in elevating “the Squad,” a term the lawmakers had adopted for themselves that Republicans have derided. They hoped to use the feud to portray reelecting the president as the patriotic thing to do.

“We’re talking about four congresswomen that have pretty extreme views,” Graham said. “If that’s the face of the Democratic Party, we’re in pretty good shape.”

On Capitol Hill, Republican leaders settled on a similar way to frame the disaster.

“I want to make absolutely clear that our opposition to our socialist colleagues has absolutely nothing to do with their gender, with their religion or with their race,” said Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), chair of the House Republican Conference.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) reacted quickly to Trump’s tweets, condemning his words hours after they landed. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
Democrats, by now, were focused on making sure the nation did not forget Trump’s original message. Pelosi had begun working on a resolution of disapproval Sunday night in conversations with Reps. Jamie B. Raskin (Md.) and Tom Malinowski (N.J.). They had already introduced a resolution in April condemning white-supremacist terrorism, which was now repurposed.

But first they had to manage an unruly caucus, which began to jockey over the resolution’s language. At least one member pushed for a more aggressive resolution that would censure Trump. Another proposed inserting language commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.

The White House vote-counters initially feared as many as 50 Republicans might defect to support the resolution, and Trump ordered an all-hands White House effort to keep the GOP caucus together. White House aides told allies on the Hill that it was okay to criticize Trump, as long as they didn’t vote with Democrats.

Trump was obsessed with the vote tally and received regular briefings. Aides fed him a constant stream of lawmaker reactions and put him on the phone with several lawmakers. He told his team to tell any wafflers that he loves America and that they needed to pick sides. Trump called McCarthy to cancel an immigration meeting planned at the White House on Tuesday.

“Stay there and fight,” he told McCarthy.

Vice President Pence also worked the phones, telling Republican members not to fall for a Democratic trap.

In the end, only four Republicans broke ranks, including Hurd. Key members from districts where Trump’s “go back” message would play terribly stuck with the president. They included two members from New York, John Katko and Elise Stefanik, and Mario Diaz-Balart, the son of Cuban immigrants, whose Florida district is 76 percent Hispanic.

“A statement does not make one racist,” he told reporters.

'I'm sick of this mess'
While they lobbied in private, Republican leaders also began looking for a way to regain the narrative in public, at least in a way that could play with the conservative base.

When Pelosi came to the floor to read the words of the resolution, calling Trump’s comments racist — not Trump himself, despite what Diaz-Balart argued — Republicans saw an opening.

Their vehicle was an obscure text, Thomas Jefferson’s Manual of Parliamentary Practice, a rule book that had governed the House floor since 1837. Based on old British traditions of respecting the king, an updated version of the manual specifically said the president could not be accused of making a racist statement, regardless of the accuracy of the allegation.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) — a United Methodist pastor and respected figure in the caucus — was up on the dais, tasked specifically by Pelosi to manage the debate. The chamber seemed close to finishing without incident when Rep. Douglas A. Collins (R-Ga.) stood up to ask that Pelosi’s words be struck from the record by the parliamentarian.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
Flashing through the Missouri congressman’s mind as he grew frustrated with Republican maneuvers were times he had been subjected to the same racist trope the president had tweeted, he said in an interview.

“I’m sick of this mess,” Cleaver recalled thinking. “In theology, we say the devil has two favorite tools: disunity and division. . . . I see people running around, the devil running around here, having fun. . . . I’m just thinking he’s just having a ball and using people to get delight.”

So, Cleaver announced, “I abandon the chair,” dropped the gavel and abruptly left the dais.

It didn’t matter that the president himself had said Pelosi’s response to him was “racist” just a day earlier, or that House rules still allowed the sentiment to be passed into law. Republicans finally had a way to cast themselves as the victims of an out-of-control Democratic leadership.

“Democrats are just so blinded by their hatred of the president that they use every single tool at their disposal to harass him,” said Chris Pack, communications director of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “And it’s getting really pathetic.”

'We find a way'

President Trump speaks Wednesday at a campaign rally in Greenville, N.C. (Gerry Broome/AP)
By the time Trump landed in Greenville, N.C., on Wednesday evening, the mood had lifted in the White House, and Republicans believed the worst was behind them. A White House aide urged the traveling press pool to be sure to “tune in” to the rally, implying it was not something they would want to miss.

“You can take issue with his tactics,” said Josh Holmes, a close adviser to McConnell. “But the reality is that there is no political figure in memory who consistently saddles his opponents with unwinnable arguments quite like President Trump.”

But the nuance of Trump’s shifts all week had been lost on many in the crowd of thousands at the East Carolina University auditorium. Midway through his speech, as he recounted his denunciation of Omar’s record, the crowd began to chant “Send her back!” — a paraphrase of his own tweeted “go back.”

He paused for about 13 seconds to let the chants wash over him.

Back in Washington, and even for some Republicans in the room, it was a nightmare scenario suggesting that the nativism at the heart of Trump’s Sunday tweet — that nonwhite citizens had less claim on the country — would soon become a fixture of the campaign.

The following morning, Republican leaders, including McCarthy and Cheney, huddled at the vice president’s residence to figure out how to deal with the danger of the chant catching on. Pence agreed to take the matter to the president.

Matthew Brooks, the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a group that had hosted Trump at its convention in April, also spoke out. The chants, he wrote on Twitter, were “vile” and “have no place in our society.”

Press secretary Stephanie Grisham during a photo opportunity Thursday at the White House. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Others in the White House began to reconsider the emerging strategy of using Omar’s record as a rallying cry for the base.

Trump agreed to say the chants were wrong — but few thought that would be the end of it.

Indeed, by Friday, he was attacking the four lawmakers again, suggesting that no criticism of the country should be tolerated and praising the rally chanters he had distanced himself from just a day earlier. “Those are incredible people. Those are incredible patriots,” he said.

There was little sign, in other words, that Trump had been cowed by the week’s experience.

At one point during the North Carolina rally, the president mused about Pressley’s remarks on race, which he characterized as thinking “that people with the same skin color all need to think the same.”

“And just this week — can you imagine if I said that? It would be over, right?” Trump continued. “. . . But we would find a way to survive, right? We always do. Here we are. Here we are. We find a way. Got to always find a way.”

Mike DeBonis contributed to this report.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gee trumps hate talk.. oh thats right you dumb as a rock think his talk is not hate talk... it is love..
Lawyers For Cesar Sayoc Say Trump's Rhetoric Inspired Terrorist Plot On Democrats
HuffPost Ryan J. Reilly,HuffPost•July 22, 2019303 Comments
Cesar Sayoc, the fanatical Donald Trump fan who mailed package bombs to the president’s political opponents, is a cognitively limited sexual abuse survivor who thought of the now-president as a “surrogate father” and came to believe in an “alternative reality” fueled in part by Trump’s attacks on his political opponents, his attorneys told a federal court on Monday.

Sayoc has admitted to mailing pipe bombs to Democratic politicians, media figures and celebrities he perceived as Trump’s enemies last fall, and pleaded guilty to several federal crimes in March. He could face life in prison when he’s sentenced on August 5, but his federal public defenders said Monday he should serve 10 years in prison followed by community supervision (as well as mental health counseling and drug treatment).

Sayoc, his attorneys wrote in a sentencing memo filed in federal court in New York on Monday, was a Trump “super fan” and “began to consider Democrats as not just dangerous in theory, but imminently and seriously dangerous to his personal safety.”

“President Trump did nothing to dissuade this message,” they write. Their filing cites Trump’s Twitter attacks on the figures Sayoc targeted.

Sayoc was a Trump fan before the reality television host ran for president, and viewed him as “everything he wanted to be: self-made, successful, and a ‘playboy,’” his attorneys wrote.

But Sayoc “began watching Fox News religiously,” started following political news on Facebook and and “threw himself into” Trump’s campaign once he announced his candidacy because he “came to view Trump as a personal champion—someone who had helped him through the most difficult periods of his life and who could do the same for other people across the country.”

Sayoc, his lawyers wrote, “began watching Fox News religiously at the gym, planning his morning workout to coincide with Fox and Friends and his evenings to dovetail with Hannity.” With his use of steroids, they said, he became paranoid and delusional about the false news stories that clogged his social media feeds.

“Because of his cognitive limitations and mental illness, he believed outlandish reports in the news and on social media, which increasingly made him unhinged. He became obsessed with ‘attacks’ from those he perceived as Trump’s enemies. He believed stories shared on Facebook that Trump supporters were being beaten in the streets.

Lawyer: Man who killed mob boss thought he was helping Trump
Associated Press Associated Press•July 22, 2019760 Comments
NEW YORK (AP) — A man charged with killing a reputed New York mob boss was deluded by internet conspiracy theories and thought he was helping President Donald Trump defend Democracy, his attorney said in court papers filed Friday.

Anthony Comello is facing murder charges in the March 13 shooting of Francesco "Franky Boy" Cali, an alleged leader in the Gambino crime family.

In a legal filing, attorney Robert Gottleib said Comello was gripped by an irrational belief that Cali was part of a "deep state" that secretly controls the U.S., and went to the gangster's home on Staten Island with handcuffs with the intention of arresting him.

"Mr. Comello became certain that he was enjoying the protection of President Trump himself, and that he had the president's full support," Gottlieb wrote in court papers obtained by The New York Times.

During the encounter, though, Cali was shot multiple times.

Gottlieb said he planned to submit evidence to support his contention that Comello should be in psychiatric treatment because of his mental state, not prosecuted.

At an early court appearance following his arrest, Comello displayed writing on his hand that included the letter "Q," which is associated with QAnon, a conspiracy theory that suggests a "deep state" plot against Trump.

"Mr. Comello's support for 'QAnon' went beyond mere participation in a radical political organization," Gottlieb said. "It evolved into a delusional obsession."
Louisiana policemen fired over Facebook post suggesting Ocasio-Cortez be shot
By Dan Whitcomb
,Reuters•July 22, 20195,607 Comments
Louisiana policemen fired over Facebook post suggesting Ocasio-Cortez be shot
FILE PHOTO - U.S. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez questions Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan at House Oversight and Reform Committee in Washington
By Dan Whitcomb

Reuters) - A Louisiana policeman who suggested on Facebook that high-profile U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needed to be shot was fired on Monday, along with a second officer who "liked" his post.

Officers Charles Rispoli, a 14-year veteran of the Gretna Police Department who made the social media comment on Thursday, and Angelo Varisco, who "liked" it, were terminated following a swift internal investigation, Chief Arthur Lawson told a news conference.

"This incident we feel has been an embarrassment to our department. These officers acted in a manner which was unprofessional, alluding to a violent act to be conducted a sitting U.S. congresswoman," Lawson said.

He said an internal investigation had found that both men were in violation of the police department's social media policy, on which they had been trained. The department would consider further instruction on the issue for the rest of its employees, Lawson said.

The incident came just days after U.S. President Donald Trump touched off a furore by tweeting that Ocasio-Cortez and three of her colleagues in Congress, all women of colour, should "go back" where they came from if they were unhappy in the United States.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

as we know recent testimony shows the huge rise in domestic terrorists by the right wing is the largest threat here is the right wing cry baby McVeigh want abe, hero to many on the right Gilroy terrorist...

Relatedly, reports have also come in that Legan had been active on social media. His posts, among other things, include telling people to read Might is Right, a racist book from the 1800s.
On the scene, Jack Van Breen, (who was on stage with his band, Tin Man), reported that he heard someone yelling at the shooter, asking why he was doing this. As reported by the Associated Press, the shooter replied, "Because I'm really angry."
On Sunday, July 28, 19-year-old Santino William Legan opened fire into a seemingly random crowd of people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California. He shot and killed 6-year-old Stephen Romero, 13-year-old Keyla Allison Salazar, and 25-year-old Trevor Deon Irby. He wounded at least 13 others. Legan used a gun—reported as an assault-style rifle—legally purchased in Nevada. Police initially reported that three police officers (already on the scene to patrol the event) fatally shot Legan, but new reports from the medical examiner’s office contradict that claim. According to the medical examiner, the gunman died by suicide. Specifically, a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
On Sunday, July 28, 19-year-old Santino William Legan opened fire into a seemingly random crowd of people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California. He shot and killed 6-year-old Stephen Romero, 13-year-old Keyla Allison Salazar, and 25-year-old Trevor Deon Irby. He wounded at least 13 others. Legan used a gun—reported as an assault-style rifle—legally purchased in Nevada. Police initially reported that three police officers (already on the scene to patrol the event) fatally shot Legan, but new reports from the medical examiner’s office contradict that claim. According to the medical examiner, the gunman died by suicide. Specifically, a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 10:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

and here we go another one of your right-wing heros goes McVeigh. another racist ... gee the one I posted above and here is another just as trump goes out with his racist speeches...

‘Very much a loner': What we know about Patrick Crusius, the suspect in the El Paso massacre
El Paso
Law enforcement agencies patrol the Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso on Saturday.(Joel Angel Juarez / AFP/Getty Images)
AUG. 3, 2019 8:18 PM

The suspect in the killing of at least 20 people in El Paso posted an online manifesto before starting on the deadly rampage that was described by Texas law enforcement and political leaders as hate-filled and racist.

Media reports have identified 21-year-old Patrick Crusius of Allen, Texas, as the suspect in the shooting Saturday at a Walmart in the border city.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 11:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

El Paso shooter Trump follower (UPDATE) Spontaneous WH protest (X2) Beto calls out 'racist' Trump!


Reporter: Sir, regarding the (shooter’s) manifesto and everything that was in it, fears about Hispanic immigration and all that, does any of this fall at the feet of President Donald Trump and his rhetoric that has been growing over the last couple of weeks and his alleged racist Tweets and other rhetoric?

Yes, we’ve had a rise of hate crimes every single one of the last three years, during an administration where you have a President who has called Mexicans rapists and criminals, though Mexican immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than those born here in the country.

He has tried to make us afraid of them, to some real effect and consequence.

Attempting to ban all Muslims from this country. The day that he signed that executive order the Mosque in Victoria, Texas was burned to the ground.

Those chants that we heard in Greenville, NC, “send her back”, talking about our fellow American citizens duly elected to represent their constituents in the Congress, who happen to be women of color.

He is a racist.

And he stokes racism in this country and it does not just offend our sensibilities, it fundamentally changes the character of this country and it leads to violence.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

another pathetic mass shooting in Ohio. Gee they will not right away release info on the perp.

yep we have yesterdays right-winger enabled and encouraged by trumps I will pay

Beto O’Rourke: Trump’s an ‘Avowed Racist’ Who’s ‘Giving People Permission to Do’ Mass Shootings

The morning after a horrific mass shooting in El Paso that left at least 20 dead, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke said President Trump’s xenophobic and racist rhetoric is “giving people permission” to carry out white nationalist terrorism.

Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday morning, O’Rourke—a former congressman who represented El Paso in the House—noted that the shooter apparently posted an anti-immigrant manifesto foreshadowing the attack on the border city and then pointed a finger at Trump and conservative media.

“We have to acknowledge the hatred, the open racism that we’re seeing,” O’Rourke exclaimed. “There is an environment of it in the United States. We see it on Fox News, we — we see it on the internet and we see it from our commander-in-chief. He is encouraging this. He doesn’t just tolerate it, he encourages it,
calling immigrants rapists and criminals and seeking to ban all people of one religion.”

Anchor Jake Tapper pointed out that the shooter wrote that he had this ideology before Trump was elected and anticipated people would blame the president, prompting O’Rourke to say it is “pretty obvious” that anyone who has listened to Trump’s rhetoric can see he’s “encouraging greater racism.”

“This is the toleration of intolerance and racism in this country, and this is what we’re seeing here today and it will continue to happen unless we call it out and unless we change it.,” O’Rourke added.

“You don’t get mass shootings like these, you don’t torch mosques, or put kids in cages until you have a president who is giving people permission to do that and that is exactly what is happening in the United States of America today,” O’Rourke emotionally declared.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

trump goes and makes his speech and then 6 hours later promotes a white supremacist who was fired for his racist public posts in a tweet. This was to let his base know he is wink wink with them.

Hours after 'denouncing' racism, Trump amplifies views of two other white supremacists

It took about six hours for Donald Trump to go from woodenly reading the words "We must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacism" off of a teleprompter to amplifying a white supremacist in a tweet. Actually, two white supremacists.

He tweeted out a Lou Dobbs (white supremacist No. 1) story about former Google engineer Kevin Cernekee (white supremacist No. 2), who is making the rounds of fringe media such as Fox News to claim that he has been discriminated against because he's a conservative Trump supporter. Cernekee told Dobbs that Google executives "want to use all the power and all the resources that they have to control the flow of information to the public and make sure that Trump loses in 2020." That really stuck with Trump; he went to bed thinking about it and then resumed tweeting about it through the morning.

In reality, a foreign realm to Trump, Google does not have an anti-conservative bias, and Cernekee was fired because he kept sharing white supremacist kinds of things on Google's employee message boards. Such as how he wanted his co-workers to join him in raising funds for the "bounty" on the guy who sucker-punched fellow white supremacist Richard Spencer on Trump's inauguration day. Spencer is the guy who gained notoriety for "shouting 'Heil Trump' and quoting Nazi propaganda in German during an anti-Semitic speech at a white nationalist conference in Washington D.C., held to celebrate Donald Trump’s electoral victory."

In other internal message board conversations, Cernekee defended two neo-Nazi groups, the Traditionalist Workers Party and the Golden State Skinheads. He said the latter group "stood up for free speech and free association" and suggested that they merely have a branding problem because they call themselves "skinheads." That has created "unfortunate baggage" for them, he believes, and said in these work discussion boards that they should rebrand as the "Helpful Neighborhood Bald Guys" or "Open Society Institute," which is the name of the organization founded by George Soros to promote civil society internationally, and that they should also "form alliances with other supporters of liberty and civil rights." The GSS has branding problems beyond its name: It uses Nazi iconography as its identifying symbols.

So, yeah, that's who Trump chose to promote on his Twitter feed Monday night. It didn't take him any time to get over the deaths of more than 20 people in Texas at the hands of a killer who told the world he was motivated by racist hate and get right back to his favorite hobby: fomenting that racist hate.

NYT: Trump Ran 2,000+ Facebook Ads Pushing Idea Of Migrant ‘Invasion’ | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC


In light of the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump is set to visit both cities this week after calling for both sides to come together to condemn race and hate. Stephanie Ruhle breaks down how the president’s response was received and the thousands of Facebook ads he pushed with the idea of migrant “invasion.”

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