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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's how dysfunctional the current crop of Republicans are:


By Erica Werner and
Seung Min Kim June 15 at 3:45 PM
Senate Republicans and the Trump administration are struggling to reach an agreement on a path forward on critical budget and spending issues, threatening not only another government shutdown and deep spending cuts but a federal default that could hit the economy hard.

GOP leaders have spent months cajoling President Trump in favor of a bipartisan budget deal that would fund the government and raise the limit on federal borrowing this fall, but their efforts have yet to produce a deal. And the uncertain path forward was underscored a few days ago at the Capitol, when a budget meeting between key Senate Republicans, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and senior White House officials left out Democrats, whose votes will be imperative to avoid a shutdown and an economy-shaking breach of the federal debt limit.

“We’re negotiating with ourselves right now,” said Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.). “The president, the administration, has some views, maybe, that are a little different sometimes than the Senate Republicans have. So we’re trying to see if we can be together as best we can.”

The GOP dysfunction — coupled with a new House Democratic majority with its own priorities — leaves the sides much farther apart than they were at this point in last year’s budget process, which ended in a record-long government funding lapse. At the time, Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress, but negotiations stalled over funding Trump’s immigration priorities.

Trump and Congress face a trio of difficult budget issues. Congress must pass, and Trump must sign, funding legislation by Oct. 1 to avoid a new shutdown. They need to raise the federal debt limit around the same time, according to the latest estimates. Failure to do so would force the government to make difficult decisions about which obligations to pay, and could be considered a default by investors, shaking markets and an economy already showing some signs of alarm.

And by year’s end, they also need to agree on how to lift austere budget caps that will otherwise snap into place and slash $125 billion from domestic and military programs.

Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.) has not been enthusiastic about the White House’s role in budget negotiations. (Aaron P. Bernstein/Reuters)
Senate Republicans and the administration thus far have not agreed on how to proceed on any of the issues, making it all but impossible for them to enter into substantive negotiations with Democrats. That has left the Capitol in a state of suspension over what the coming months will hold.

“True to form, Congress and the White House seem to be intent on waiting until the absolute last minute to address all these issues that we’ve known about,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the nonpartisan, nonprofit Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. “Basically everything they could do wrong, they are doing wrong.”

Tensions between key Senate Republicans and White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney have been on display for months, and GOP lawmakers and aides partially blame that frayed relationship for the halting pace of talks. Mulvaney was a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus before he joined the administration, first as White House budget director before becoming acting chief of staff, and he has advocated dramatic spending cuts opposed by lawmakers of both parties.

Mulvaney has been slow to come around to the need for a bipartisan budget deal that would raise domestic and military spending caps, even after McConnell met privately with Trump last month and got the president’s blessing to proceed with such a deal, said a senior GOP Senate aide who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.

“The problem with Mulvaney is sometimes he forgets he’s a staffer now, so he’s looking to execute on his own vision instead of the president’s, and that slows down the process,” the aide said.

A Mulvaney spokesman did not respond to a request for comment on his relationship with Senate Republicans. But an administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe internal thinking, said that Trump has encouraged McConnell to get a good deal but has not offered a blanket agreement for a budget agreement that would raise domestic spending to levels that Senate Republicans might be able to accept in order to cut a deal with Democrats — but that could cause heartburn for the White House.

What those spending levels should be remains a point of contention between Senate Republicans and the administration, according to lawmakers and officials on both sides, and it’s unclear when or how resolution will be reached. According to administration officials and Senate GOP aides, Mulvaney and the administration favor continuing existing spending levels or striking a one-year deal, over reaching the kind of two-year deal that has been agreed to in the past and that lawmakers in both parties favor now.

Pelosi: No debt ceiling hike without lifting budget caps
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on June 13 said Democrats would not back a debt ceiling increase without first lifting budget caps. (Reuters)

The administration also has pushed for raising the debt limit as soon as possible, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has made clear that a vote on the debt limit is off the table until a spending deal is reached. Senate Republicans, too, favor including the debt limit in a broader spending deal, but some complain that they still don’t know exactly what the White House will support when it comes to any of the financial issues they’re confronting.

“I think that’s what we’re trying to find out,” said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Republican. “Our members are ready to move, but they don’t want to move unless the White House is on board with all of the above.”

Senate Republicans and top aides have voiced frustrations with Mulvaney publicly and privately in recent weeks, with Shelby being particularly caustic in discussing Mulvaney’s involvement in talks about a massive disaster aid bill that became law earlier this month after weeks of stalled negotiations. At one point Shelby was asked whether Mulvaney was playing a “constructive role” in talks, and he said that Mulvaney was playing “a role.”

Shelby also requested Mulvaney’s presence at his own meeting with Trump last month so that Mulvaney could hear Shelby describe the dire impacts if a budget deal is not reached. And after this week’s meeting with Mulvaney, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and others, Shelby simply said of Mulvaney’s posture in negotiations: “He was there.”

The frustration with Mulvaney is bipartisan. At a news conference this past week, Pelosi suggested she was skeptical of dealmaking “when Mick Mulvaney takes the lead,” referencing his role while in the House in provoking a government shutdown in 2013. “Mick Mulvaney was one of the leaders in shutting down government when he was here and voted to keep it closed,” Pelosi said.

The internal GOP disarray has provoked repeated criticisms from Democrats who blame Republicans for the failure of an attempt at high-level bipartisan talks last month, although Republicans say Democrats were to blame for refusing to budge on spending levels.

Schumer calls ‘hypocrisy’ in Trump budget ‘amazing’
Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) on March 12 called for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) to schedule a vote on President Trump’s budget. (The Washington Post)

“Let’s hope the Republicans can get their act together,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a brief interview on Capitol Hill recently.

The finger-pointing has transformed Congress’ most basic mandate of funding the government into a high-stakes blame game with potentially devastating consequences. If new spending bills are not passed before Oct. 1, the government will shut down, just as it did this past winter for a record-long 35 days when Democrats refused Trump’s demands to pay for his wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. In one measure of just how many contentious issues lie ahead, funding for the wall, which is certain to be a hot-button issue again, has barely begun to be negotiated between the parties.

At the same time, if a deal is not reached to lift automatic spending caps known as the “sequester,” the resulting automatic cuts would indiscriminately slash vital domestic programs and jeopardize military readiness, members of both parties warn. And the Treasury Department is already employing cash-saving tactics, called “extraordinary measures,” because Congress has failed to act to raise the nation’s borrowing limit, often called the debt ceiling.

If Congress does not act and Treasury runs out of money, which is forecast to happen sometime in late fall, Treasury would be unable to pay all of its bills on time, which could lead to a default on the government’s obligations, a spike in interest rates, a surge in unemployment and a stock market crash. Fitch Ratings warned earlier this year that a shutdown coupled with a battle over the debt limit might damage the country’s Triple-A credit rating.

Lawmakers and administration officials say they are aware of the urgency to act. But recent interactions between Congress and the White House have not been confidence-inspiring. The sweeping $19 billion disaster aid bill that recently became law did so only after months of partisan bickering, and an emergency spending request for the migration crisis on the southern border also has stalled amid partisan disputes, despite urgent warnings from the administration that agencies will run out of money to deal with the influx at the end of this month.

House Democrats have gone their own way on spending bills without Republican buy-in, putting a massive $983 billion appropriations package for the Health and Human Services Department, the Pentagon and other agencies on the floor at spending levels Senate Republicans and the White House would never agree to. A bipartisan agreement in the Senate that helped Congress make unusual progress passing spending bills last year — up until the dispute over the wall — has not been resurrected this year, and the Senate Appropriations Committee has not yet passed a single spending bill.

And it all comes against the backdrop of an intensely partisan debate over impeachment and a looming presidential campaign, which Shelby called “collateral issues” that only compound the difficulty of reaching agreement. The result is a messy stew of issues that has longtime lawmakers questioning whether Congress and the Trump White House are up to the job of steering the nation away from fiscal calamity.

“This is one of the most basic requirements of governing,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), “is figure out what the government’s going to spend.”

There are certainly balances in the prior legislative record that require both parties to work together, and perhaps reach agreement on things like border security and DACA that might give both parties something to campaign on. But at this stage the only thing Republican Senators can agree on is keeping the tax cuts for their richest donors, and preventing impeachment. Like I said, cowards and whores.

I find it quite funny that NW, who doubles down on Trump., the master of corruption and angry deranged tweeting, thinks my disgust is anger. At some point, all we have is a sense of humor and appreciation of irony.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nw30 wrote:
Because impeachment would have to cover everything, it wouldn't be limited to just one single thing, which is why I'm all in favor for impeachment.

I'd love to see the senate republicans get Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and all those other characters who played in this comedy, up there to answer questions that they would rather not answer w/o incriminating themselves.
Which is exactly the reason why Pelosi doesn't want to go down that road.
And which is the reason that impeachment won't happen, it'd be suicide.

So why the constant push for it? Just to drive Trump's poll numbers down, not to actually do impeachment.

I guess you missed the word media.... Why isn't the media pushing for impeachment. They do not get to vote on impeachment.

The media should be doing their job, and ask him why it was not an impeachable offense as it is a high crime.

now for your misdirection;
as far as getting his poll numbers down boy does an impeachment hearing do that too. And impeachment heating solidify the base that is generally not motivated to vote because they think dems are not doing enough. This will bring the apathetic to active wanting their vote to count. We know the right wing so called victims will come out as they usually do, but now we will have the dems that normally do which beat trump last election plus we will have the swing voters that went for trump that will say they have had enough as many already have, and then we have the voters the right wing have been able to disenfanchise with their russians to not vote, but with a big BUT they will because they will see a reason the dems will send trump to trial.

If no impeachment it should be just 2018 proportional to a presidential election numbers and Trump loses too.

and it should be cowards, treasonous supporters, and whore rapist supports the RNC.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

real-human wrote:
nw30 wrote:
Because impeachment would have to cover everything, it wouldn't be limited to just one single thing, which is why I'm all in favor for impeachment.

I'd love to see the senate republicans get Comey, Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, and all those other characters who played in this comedy, up there to answer questions that they would rather not answer w/o incriminating themselves.
Which is exactly the reason why Pelosi doesn't want to go down that road.
And which is the reason that impeachment won't happen, it'd be suicide.

So why the constant push for it? Just to drive Trump's poll numbers down, not to actually do impeachment.

.........…. and it should be cowards, treasonous supporters, and whore rapist supports the RNC.

mac wrote:

Pelosi doesn't want to go there because the Republicans in the Senate, with maybe three exceptions, are cowards and whores and won't vote impeachment no matter the evidence.
What a pair you two are, are you guys sure you're not brothers?
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

nw30 wrote:
What a pair you two are, are you guys sure you're not brothers?

I have enough brothers and sisters... I have told you before I even have a black brother and sister.

ust because you cannot find anything that logically and credibly backs up your position and several of us on the liberal side can do and destroy your positions do not cry me a river. try breaking out of the rock you have found yourself in and under.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2019 10:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Avernatti... and Stormy....

Manhattan D.A. subpoenas Trump Org beyond Barr's protective reach

Barbara McQuade, former U.S. attorney, talks about the legal dynamics at play in breaking news that Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has subpoenaed the Trump Organization as part of an investigation into hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, noting that the local jurisdiction is beyond Attorney General Barr's reach and Trump's pardon power.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stormy Daniels could be key to unlock Trump impeachment probe

As Congress prepares to return from recess, House Dems explore three roads to impeachment, one of which includes Stormy Daniels. Dems are preparing a new probe of Trump’s illegal hush money payments, examining whether or not they are impeachable. Maya Wiley, former federal prosecutor, argues Daniels is a key part to Dems impeachment strategy because ‘the evidence is so clear,’ adding Trump’s campaign paid Daniels ‘to protect him in an election,’ which violates campaign finance laws.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

right wingers illegal activities gets Stormy some paydirt...

again trumps hate and begging for more hate caused these right wing morons to violate the law as police, the deep state of enforcement officers who act on their hate. Right wingers are raised to hate. there is no similar equavalacy of liberals doing the same. Right wingers love to McVeigh in america and condone it. Just like trump begging russia to attack dems again in the elections.

Right wingers hate america. plain and simple. it is their paty over america time and time again.

Stormy Daniels to Get $450,000 Settlement After Arrest at Columbus Strip Club

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

But she's still not retuning your emails, too bad, you're not her type.
She hates whiners.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 7:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nw30 wrote:
But she's still not retuning your emails, too bad, you're not her type.
She hates whiners.

I hear she still says trumps night was small and short like all right wingers. Thats why he had to pay her was it $150,000.00 and he will go to jail for it... And that is what got his lawyer and hitman to spill the beans... all because of trumps inadequacies.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 1:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Untold Story of How Trump’s Fixers Silenced Stormy Daniels Just Days Before the 2016 Election

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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