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the big lie "the media is liberal"
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PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry Key,

As far as your references to tin foil. Well because you have not backed up your position you have learned well from the right wing. Now I think you were just the paper delivery boy not a real journalist.

You are welcome to post some facts as I have. A problem with many if not most in the media is their lack of the ability to understand or comprehend math statistics. I also find this a general characteristic of the right wing in general (the last election was a real example how Romney Rove et all were sure from their experts polling models they had won, every single right wing partisan one was wrong).

I will go out on a limb here. You were deficient in your math /stats skills vs... but very strong in the english skills. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule as my father has a undergrad in journalism, masters in engineering and PhD in Physics so their are for sure journalists that do just fine in the math areas. But you are not one of them, I also do not take insult to my writing skills and have no problem regurgitating it a few times till people understand and I hope you likewise realize your limitations in math stats, logic. I know I am not ever going to be able to explain the theory of relativity to most people not only because I do not have the ability to write effectively but because there are just some people that do not have the math ability. Even though to me understanding that is such a basic simple simon thing.

So while you like to go name calling because you can not back up your point with facts or data I understand it because you just do not grasp the statistical relevance and how important it is to understand our world. so just because I can not explain things to you with hundreds of facts and examples does not mean they are not true.

Just like I can not get you to understand I can find several hundred write ups on a subject in the internet on many right wing propaganda items and so on. Yes on major issues that are media equivalent that if it would have been liberal supporting are not.

Seems I can debunk your complete crying game with just one form of media, radio. It is at least 90 but I claim over 95% highly partisan right wing without any debate. Can you name one liberal who has a "national" political partisan show that is on the radio more than 3 hours for more than 5 years ever? Same with just one hour "national". When they compile the numbers they do not even include religious partisan shows like the "Pat Robertsons" type of shows and entire networks that are national. I believe those should be included in right wing partisan propaganda.

I have challenged right wingers to for about 8 years to enlighten me how they are such media victims with this challenge, and to date not one right winger has ever been able to show me that it is a liberal slant to radio, or even show me where across the nation I can find a liberal point of view nationally anywhere. Where I can back up the 90 percent plus. I know you do not respect stats... for which they stand...

Another great example of statistics that people have a hard time understanding is the Dan Rather firing. No liberal owned media would fire him for being correct. Using forensics to determine if the documents were real or accurate. Do you know what the probability of those documents could be inaccurate when not one issue in them was not consistent with the time that they occurred. And only 3 people living could have known about these issues. That a person just simply could not have made up these events that 2 of the three living people did say were discussed at the time. The only person who did not go on record to say they were not true of the times was Bush. So to have accurately made up events that occurred 30 plus years before that only 3 people alive knew about is ABSOLUTELY impossible. let me repeat 0 percent that the events written did not occur. Yet the so called liberal media did not either figure that out or there is not a liberal media. After all as I mentioned Bush's father right wing partisan former attorney general was hired by CBS to prove the documents were false. And he could not do it, he never said the information in the documents were false EVER. He only concluded it should not have been aired and I say BS to that, again with logic it had zero percent chance it could have not been accurate about the times.

In fact a real non partisan attorney general would have recommended a special prosecutor to see who scrubbed government documents from the Bush files. And that special prosecutor would have put Bush, Cheney, Rove, Karen Hughes, all the Texas political people that were involved in front of grand juries. where was that media demanding answers and ever that the probability that someone could have made up documents that were remembered by people that were involved 30-40 years before it. And the third person Bush never said these other two people were lying. And the documents did fit in with the other documents that were remaining in Bushs records in fact they also did fit perfectly with how things were done at the time. Again that is the forensics of documents that is used all the time for proving beyond a reasonable doubt that are real.

I do have a few reasonable ways that document was not the same type font at the time. One is: Basically the government has been scanning old document s and using OCR to put them in smaller files. Interesting that the right winger senator Duke Cunningham of San Diego was convicted of helping (taking bribes) a company providing those services to the national Guards/military. That was just one of the many company making big bucks scanning documents for the military, that company had many complaints from the military that there system was not as good as some of the others. Needless to say I never read any liberal media investigating that, well how could they it is my blogger concept. Oh but it was a right winger so called blogger that got the entire not read concept going.
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To return to the world that most people inhabit for a moment, it seems that the Gosnell jury have found him guilty of murder. Were they all zealots, opposed to women's rights, or, heaven forbid, Catholics!!? Or were they normal people who had no trouble distinguishing between murder and abortion as some here did. I suspect the didn't "conflate late term abortions with all abortions" since they were smart enough to figure out that infanticide is not abortion. Neither did they fall for the defense accusations of racism. They know that race card is usually pulled by those who have no cogent argument.
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah...Heard it on NPR
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PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How appropriate to actually wait until the jury has decided on the facts to condemn the practices of Gosnell. I suppose it is too much to also wait until someone has said something in support of Gosnell before you attack them. Justice appears to have been done, in the appropriate way in the American judicial system.
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

another great example...

google news "IRS and NAACP" that actually got audited by the Bush regime for political purposes. you get 1230 hits.

Google news "Tea Party and IRS" and you get 149,000 results.

where the tea party ones did not get one single audit yet they were operating in a gray area as they are to be performing a community activity like building a ballpark.

How about the Rovian in-justice department that did 6 to one investigations on liberal vs conservatives, yet the only one they got was some guy with 50k in his fridge. Yes we had record setting the largest contributor to the president Kenny Boy Ley losing billions of people. Yet no special prosecutor, Ley enron jets were flying Bush et all to even florida for the recounts. Again the largest supporter of Bush. We had dukester caught and the prosecutor thought there was more, so he was fired to stop him getting more on the west coast. So that we could keep the rovian in-justice department at a 6 to one investigate liberals. again only one conviction of 50k in a fridge, can you imagine if it would have been stings of right wingers. Well we also set a record with Abramoff who had about 100 right wingers on his payroll, and that one was worth over 80-90 million dollars of theft/corruption. Yet was it only right winger Ney that got jail time. A sting could have put over 100 republican elected officials in the slammer for taking gifts from abramoff. But no the rovian in-justice department would not goo after all the ones taking gifts from abramoff.

Did you hear abramoff how he would do it, he would tell the people in the right wingers office that there was a "big paying" job for them in his office if they needed a job, he was hiring so he said it gave him the inside to these 100 or so elected officials and their offices. This was above the free tickets he was doling out and the discounted or free meals to the powerful. Again he came clean after getting out of jail. again the in-justice department continued with their 6 to one investigations on liberals yet the largest crimes in political recent history by right wingers.

Then there were the three right wingers that got caught with illegal phone jamming democratic HDQS on an election day. All three convicted, but they did not appoint a special prosecutor. One of the three was calling a number in the whitehouse that was never investigated... gee why not... again the rovian in-justice department.

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 1, 2006
Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

In a letter released yesterday by the NAACP, the IRS said the group, the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, "continued to qualify" as tax-exempt.

Federal law requires tax-exempt nonprofit organizations to be politically nonpartisan.
as we know the tea partys are partisan to the max.

After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe.

The investigation started Oct. 8, 2004, a month before the election

Last edited by real-human on Tue May 14, 2013 7:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mac, I'm with you on this.
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can both be forgiven for your ignorance of the facts of the Gosnell case since the media you rely upon did not cover the case until the last month or so. If you had broadened your news gathering habits, you would have known that nine members of Gosnell's staff, including his wife, pleaded guilty in 2011 to a host of charges, among them illegal abortions and murder. That might have given you a clue that something was terribly wrong and given you a basis for condemning Gosnell's practices rather than condemning those who drew attention to them. Who knows, you might have learned some other stuff too!!
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mrgybe wrote:
You can both be forgiven for your ignorance of the facts of the Gosnell case since the media you rely upon did not cover the case until the last month or so. If you had broadened your news gathering habits, you would have known that nine members of Gosnell's staff, including his wife, pleaded guilty in 2011 to a host of charges, among them illegal abortions and murder. That might have given you a clue that something was terribly wrong and given you a basis for condemning Gosnell's practices rather than condemning those who drew attention to them. Who knows, you might have learned some other stuff too!!

It's a murder investigation and trial. I do not follow murder trials myself; I am interested in policy-making, to which this case has exactly zero relevance.

I think the so-called media bias is the real "news story" here; suggested to you by your favorite "information" outlets, and very eagerly parroted on this forum. Picking a fight over this is a little absurd, in my opinion.

Do you attack windmills much?

florian - ny22
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mrgybe wrote:
You can both be forgiven for your ignorance of the facts ... and given you a basis for condemning Gosnell's practices rather than condemning those who drew attention to them.

You're kidding, right? Are you implying that someone with electricity or at least newspapers in his home hasn't been inundated with this serial murder case and trial for the past year or so? How can such a person claim any knowledge of current events? And on what basis would such a person condemn drawing attention to the case? I'll bet they don't even know that the doctor's anesthesiologist was a neighborhood kid with no education beyond high school, if that, who was tossed a book, given 20 minutes to read it, then expected to keep women alive while the butcher operated on her.

I'd also bet they don't even know that even the farthest left media and even some Congressmen are starting to see through this administration. With even Maureen Dowdand Tom Brokaw lambasting their hero, pigs are starting to fly.
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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

feuser wrote:
It's a murder investigation and trial. I do not follow murder trials myself; I am interested in policy-making, to which this case has exactly zero relevance.

A narrow perspective. I fully expect this case to result in a serious examination of abortion policy. The technology existing when late term abortion limits were set in the 70's, has changed dramatically. At 24 weeks, and well before that, anyone can now see clear images of a formed being with recognizable human features and the ability to feel pain. This will make a lot of people very uncomfortable with existing laws and clearly debunk the myth that this is no more than a bunch of cells that can be easily disposed of if deemed inconvenient.
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